6.Kartu Suara tidak terdeteksi
SolusiSebaiknya instal ulang kartu suara pada mobo Anda. Jika perlu hapus terlebih dulu driver sound card yang terinstal. Jika sudah terinstal ulang maka pastikan pada config.sys terdapat line:device=c:\windows\emm386.exe ram.
7.Setelah meng-upgrade MOBO PC malah membisu. Bagian "Playback" pada boks dialog Sound and Audio Device Propertise tidak aktif
SolusiPeriksa BIOS Mobonya. Aktifkan kartu suara (jika on-board), atau ubah "jumper-nya". Baca buku manual untuk mengetahui posisi jumperyang bernar. Sebaiknya, ganti dengan driver yang lebih baru.
8.Suara Terdengar Lemah
Solusi:cek terlebih dahulu speaker Anda, bermasalah atau tidak. Setelah itu coba instal ulang kartu suara. Jika on-board gunakan kartu suara bawaan dari MOBO.
9.CD Musik Tak Bersuara
Solusi:Buka volume control setting yang biasanya berada pada system traydi kanan bawah kanan dengan icon gambar speaker. Non aktifkan opsi "mute" di pengatur " CD Audio". Jika tidak anda temukan, klik [Option][Propertise], lalu pada pilihan [Playback], centangi [CD Audio].Setelah itu, pastikan kabel audio kecil dari mobo terhubung ke CD - Rom drive.
10.Muncul pesan :"Error 80040256/00040256, No audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding," atau " Error C00D11BA, Cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device"
Solusi:Biasa dijumpai saat akan menjalankan Windows Media Player untuk memainkan file multimedia. Akar masalahnya, sistem tidak mendeteksi adanya kartu suara di PC. Untuk mengatasi hal seperti ini, cobalah anda lakukan instal 
Fix the problem on your speakers so as not to interfere with your earsVoice 6.Kartu undetectable
SolusiSebaiknya reinstall the sound card on your motherboard. If you need to first remove the sound card driver is installed. If you've installed back then make sure there is line in config.sys: device = c: \ windows \ emm386.exe ram.
7.Setelah upgrade a PC mobo even silence. Sections "Playback" in the dialog box Sound and Audio Devices Propertise inactive
SolusiPeriksa Mobonya BIOS. Turn on the sound card (if on-board), or to change "his jumper." Read the manual to know the position jumperyang bernar. Instead, replace it with newer drivers.
There 8.Suara Weak
Solution: check your speakers first, troubled or not. Then try reinstalling the sound card. If the on-board use the default sound card from the motherboard.
9.CD Music No Talking
Solution: Open the volume control settings that are usually located on the bottom right traydi right system with the speaker icon image. Disable option "mute" on the regulators "CD Audio". If you do not find, click [Option] [Propertise], then the choice [Playback], check [CD Audio]. After that, make sure the small audio cable from the motherboard to connect to a CD - Rom drive.
10.Muncul message: "Error 80040256/00040256, No audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding," or "Error C00D11BA, Can not play the file Because there is a problem with your sound device"
Solution: Usually found today will run Windows Media Player for playing multimedia files. The root of the problem, the system does not detect the sound card in your PC. To cope with this kind of thing, you try to do reinstall on your sound card. If the problem is still often the case then you try to install the latest version of DirectX. The problem still appear? Try lowering sound hardware acceleration card with the way [Start] [Control Panel] [Sound and Audio Device]. On the tab [Audio], click [Advanced ...] section "sound playback". Click on the tab [Performance], and slide slightly to the left slider "hardware acceleration": in the "audio playback".
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